BMW i3S Road Review

The BMW i3 has always been one of our all-time favourite cars at Drive Green, our founder Richard Norris, particularly loves them and you will usually see him taking one home on a daily basis! The BMW i3 was built as a ground-up EV and as a result, it has always ticked lots of boxes and was always going to be a hard car to beat.

BMW decided however there was more to get from the platform, here introduced is the BMW i3S. Essentially the same framework but just that little bit more sporty from the ground up. The changes are subtle but really do stand out and as such offers a slightly different all-round prospect which we think a lot of owners will love.

Have a watch as Richard takes the i3S for a spin, and gives us his take on the changes and whether it is worth considering the i3S vs i3. Is it worth the extra money?

Now available to view on the forecourt.

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