Ultimate Jaguar I-Pace Review

The Jaguar I-Pace has set the president for electric SUVs for a few years now. It really has been the milestone for its competitors for which there are increasingly more of, so it was only a matter of time before we were graced with a newer one. The New 2021 Jaguar I-Pace is actually much like the old, in that it's brilliant. When you have such a solid base it can often be difficult to improve on, but Jaguar have done just that. I think it is clear that there wasn't a need to change too much, but instead just tweak and that balance really does come across with the face lift IPace.

In this video we discuss the car in general, some of the differences with the new vs old I-Pace, the range of the I-Pace and much more. Let us know what you think of the car in the comments, and would it be your EV SUV of choice?

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