Being Green - About Us

Being as green as possible is central to the culture of Drive Green, and the basis on which the business was originally founded. Hopefully the things we have done to work towards carbon neutrality, can provide inspiration to others to do the same.

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Whilst there are definitely green steps that will cost a business more, on reflection, most of the things we have done at Drive Green, and the measures we have in place are actually saving us money.
At Drive Green we are always trying to do everything we can to reduce our carbon impact, as well as trying to set green examples for the rest of the motor trade to follow. As a result to we have tried to reduce the number of vehicles delivered by diesel car transporters. and over the last 6 months, we have undertaken a study to try and see if there is another practical way of managing our deliveries, without the need of diesel fuel, and to see what the operational and financial implications of using alternative delivery methods are, as well as the carbon savings achieved. The results in just the first 6 months of this project have been surprisingly successful in terms of both carbon and cost savings, hopefully proving to the rest of the motor trade that it is possible to greatly reduce the carbon impact of your car deliveries.
We are proud to showcase the array of prestigious awards that adorn our mantle, each one symbolising another milestone in our journey for a greener future.
We were first introduced to the Carbon Literacy project in 2021, as a part of a focus group with Autotrader when they were helping to put together the Automotive toolkit, who valued our input due to our existing work towards sustainability.
At Drive Green we have be advocates of the Carbon Literacy Project for a number of years now – huge fans of the work this charity is doing in order to help build awareness of climate change, and to encourage individual actions to help reduce our carbon impact.
We think that Drive Green offers a great example and case study as to how businesses can approach making themselves greener and so I would like to go through the many things we have done at Drive green to reduce our carbon footprint and to promote the sustainable living.
Our mission is to encourage the use of Electric Cars and Vehicles (EVs) as part of a combined programme of green technology measures. We, not just an online outlet, we have a forcourt full of new and used EVs.
The Rockaway Park team of super talented, artists, fabricators and carpenters, have built the most fantastic bespoke cabin designed to be both the Drive Green offices as well as our green technology showroom and advice centre.
We are thrilled to be the UK test site for the Solar Edge combined inverter and charge point. The uniqueness of our site combining the UK’s largest EV dealership with our not for profit green technology advice has made our site the perfect location to trial this brand new device.
Despite our best efforts there are still elements of our business we can't control that contribute to our carbon footprint. Where this occurs we achieve our carbon neutrality via carbon offsetting and using Ecologi to plant trees on our behalf.